Giving soul and meaning to the places of living, combining cultural awareness, technical and technological skills, vision skills and social commitment, characteristics that belong to a consolidated vocation of the Florentine school towards the themes of space.
About our
The Design for Spatial Relations Lab. operates in the field of Spatial Design, an emerging research area that goes beyond the boundaries of the specializations of Product Design, Interior Design and Service Design, to work on relationships between people, objects and places and the role of objects and technologies in the understanding, perception, and transformation of spaces.
Operate on spaces that are no longer definitive but increasingly temporary, to define intangible spaces, the skills of the discipline of Design must be put in play in the interaction man/ product/ environment. In keeping with the latest advances in research, spatial investigation has been extended to nonphysical dimensions such as sound space, tactile space, olfactory space, and amplify and complete the definition of environments.
The Design for Spatial Relations Lab. participates in promoting and coordinating training activities, such as in-depth seminars, workshops, and training activities focusing on emerging professional skills development in the field.
It cooperates with research courses in space design and related subject areas, and acts as a coordinating agency between foreign universities, research centers, local institutions and the University of Florence's DIDA department, participates in research tenders across countries, regions and ethnic groups, and supports funding Scientific management of the project.
The laboratory is willing to carry out strategic cooperation on public or private topics with partners that are consistent with development goals and regulations.
Through specific agreements, the laboratory will host researchers and students from foreign universities and national universities for research activities or course internships.